Example 2: Exporting & Importing Api with Assets in various Application Domains
Develop a new Application Service that:
consumes 2 existing Events provided by other systems
produces 1 new Event
The 2 existing Events are modelled in separate application domains and shared:
ExistingEvent_1 in ApplicationDomain_1
ExistingEvent_2 in ApplicationDomain_2
The application domain for the new Application (NewApplication) & new Event (NewEvent) is:
Model NewEvent in NewApplicationDomain.
Model NewApplication in NewApplicationDomain:
subscribe to ExistingEvent_1
subscribe to ExistingEvent_2
publish NewEvent
Download NewApplication Async Api
File: NewApplication.yaml
The spec contains EP Extensions detailing which application domains the various objects are modelled in:
enums: parameters
schemas: schemas
events: messages
Import NewApplication Async Api
You can download the example spec here
export CLI_SOLACE_CLOUD_TOKEN={your token}
ep-async-api-importer -fp 'NewApplication.yaml'
By default, the importer checks if assets (events, schemas, enums), e.g. ExistingEvent_1 or ExistingEvent_2, in other application domains than the assets application domain have been modified and will raise an error if so.
You can control this policy using the environment variable CLI_ASSETS_APPLICATION_DOMAIN_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY (run ep-async-api-importer -h for more details).
For example, to switch this policy off:
If no specific application domain name is specified on the object, the importer defaults the application domain name
to the assets application domain name, if specified, otherwise
to api application domain name
Validation of apis and their objects (events, schemas, enums) assumes globally unique names, even if they use different application domains. Ensure all your objects have unique names.