Preparing the Migration


You can migrate from / to different EP accounts. This is controlled through

  • the EP V1 api base url and the the EP V1 token

  • the EP V2 api base url and the the EP V2 token

Assuming both use the default base url (, create two tokens:

  • {EP V1 Token} (read access to all objects)

  • {EP V2 Token} (read & write access to all objects)

Export both as environment variables:


Configuration File

Donwload the sample configuration file here and rename it to ep-migrate-config.yaml.

Adjust the contents to your needs.

Run Test Migration

It is recommended to run a test first, using an applicationDomainPrefix, for example:

    # applicationDomainPrefix:
    # - optional
    # - if specified, prepends applicationDomainPrefix to all created applicationDomains
    applicationDomainPrefix: 'epV1/'

For a test run it is also recommended to use the following logger settings, as they help with issue investigation and readability of the log file:

  logSummary2Console: true
  logLevel: info
  prettyPrint: true

Run the test migration:


Inspect the console output for details and any issues.

The details of the run are logged into the configured log file, for example ./logs/ep-migrate.log.

Fixing Issues during Tests

At the end of the migration run, the encountered issues are logged to the console with their issueId.

To see the details of each issue:

  • copy the issueId

  • search for the issueId in the log file

Once you have resolved any issues, e.g. by adjusting an object in EP V1, you can run the CLI again without the need to undo the migration first. The CLI works in an idempotent manner and will only update objects/versions that have changed, hence saving time.

Undo Test Migration

If the migration was successful and you want to remove the create objects/versions from EP V2 again, run:

ep-migrate -rs absent

This will delete all Application Domains starting with the applicationDomainPrefix.

If instead you only want to undo the migration for a specific runId, run:

ep-migrate -rs absent -absentRunId {the-run-id}

Run Migration

Remove the applicationDomainPrefix from the config:

    # applicationDomainPrefix:
    # - optional
    # - if specified, prepends applicationDomainPrefix to all created applicationDomains
    # applicationDomainPrefix: 'epV1/'

Run the migration:


If you want to undo the migration, you now must use the runId from the previous run, for example:

ep-migrate -rs absent -absentRunId {the-run-id}