
  • AuditResultsService



  • Get the details of a single audit result This provides the details of a single audit result, given its id.

    Token Permissions: [ audit:read ]


    AuditResultDetailResponse The audit detail.




    • __namedParameters: {
          auditResultId: string;
          xContextId?: string;
      • auditResultId: string

        The ID of the audit. *

      • Optional xContextId?: string

        Optional context id the request is running. *

    Returns CancelablePromise<AuditResultDetailResponse>

  • Get a list of audit results This provides a list of audit results for the given event mesh and/or event brokers.

    Token Permissions: [ audit:read ]


    AuditResultsResponse The list of audit records and the accompanying metadata.




    • __namedParameters: {
          auditEntityTypes?: ("all" | "kafkaConsumerGroup" | "kafkaConsumerGroupAggregate" | "kafkaTopic" | "kafkaTopicAggregate" | "schemaParent" | "schemaVersion" | "solaceQueue" | "solaceQueueAggregate" | "solaceTopic" | "kafkaTopicSchemaVersion" | "kafkaTopicSchemaParent")[];
          contains?: string;
          eventBrokerIds?: string[];
          eventMeshId?: string;
          pageNumber?: number;
          pageSize?: number;
          sort?: string;
          startsWith?: string;
          statuses?: ("designerOnly" | "match" | "partialMatch" | "runtimeOnly")[];
          xContextId?: string;
      • Optional auditEntityTypes?: ("all" | "kafkaConsumerGroup" | "kafkaConsumerGroupAggregate" | "kafkaTopic" | "kafkaTopicAggregate" | "schemaParent" | "schemaVersion" | "solaceQueue" | "solaceQueueAggregate" | "solaceTopic" | "kafkaTopicSchemaVersion" | "kafkaTopicSchemaParent")[]

        Match only audit records belonging to the given entity types. *

      • Optional contains?: string

        Match audit records with identifiers containing the given value. *

      • Optional eventBrokerIds?: string[]

        Match only audit records belonging to the given event brokers. *

      • Optional eventMeshId?: string

        Match only audit records belonging to the given event mesh. *

      • Optional pageNumber?: number

        The page number to get. *

      • Optional pageSize?: number

        The number of audit records to get per page. *

      • Optional sort?: string

        Sort based on the provided parameters.
        The value can be either a standalone field name (?sort=<field>) or a field and direction, delimited by a colon (?sort=<field>:<asc|desc>). If the direction is not specified, the default is ascending. Sorting is supported for status and identifier. *

      • Optional startsWith?: string

        Match only audit records with identifiers starting with the given value. *

      • Optional statuses?: ("designerOnly" | "match" | "partialMatch" | "runtimeOnly")[]

        Match only audit records with the given statuses. *

      • Optional xContextId?: string

        Optional context id the request is running. *

    Returns CancelablePromise<AuditResultsResponse>