
  • ConfigurationTypesService



  • (Beta) Get a configuration type Use this API to get a single configuration type by its ID.

    Token Permissions: [ ep_configuration:read ]


    ConfigurationTypeResponse The configuration type.




    • __namedParameters: {
          id: string;
          xContextId?: string;
      • id: string

        The ID of the configuration type. *

      • Optional xContextId?: string

        Optional context id the request is running. *

    Returns CancelablePromise<ConfigurationTypeResponse>

  • (Beta) Get a list of configuration types Use this API to get a list of configuration types that match the given parameters.

    Token Permissions: [ ep_configuration:read ]


    ConfigurationTypesResponse Get a list of configuration types and the accompanying metadata.




    • __namedParameters: {
          associatedEntityTypes?: string[];
          brokerType?: string;
          ids?: string[];
          names?: string[];
          pageNumber?: number;
          pageSize?: number;
          sort?: string;
          xContextId?: string;
      • Optional associatedEntityTypes?: string[]

        Match only configuration types with the given associated entity type values separated by commas. *

      • Optional brokerType?: string

        Match only configuration types with the given broker type. *

      • Optional ids?: string[]

        Match only configuration types with the given IDs separated by commas. *

      • Optional names?: string[]

        Match only configuration types with the given names separated by commas. *

      • Optional pageNumber?: number

        The page number to get. *

      • Optional pageSize?: number

        The number of configuration types to get per page. *

      • Optional sort?: string

        Sort based on the provided parameters.
        The value can be either a standalone field name (?sort=<field>) or a field and direction, delimited by a colon (?sort=<field>:<asc|desc>). If the direction is not specified, the default is ascending. *

      • Optional xContextId?: string

        Optional context id the request is running. *

    Returns CancelablePromise<ConfigurationTypesResponse>