Subscription level Event message publishing mode. Changes to this attribute are synchronized to HA mates and replication sites via config-sync. The default value is "off". The allowed values and their meaning are:

"off" - Disable client level event message publishing.
"on-with-format-v1" - Enable client level event message publishing with format v1.
"on-with-no-unsubscribe-events-on-disconnect-format-v1" - As "on-with-format-v1", but unsubscribe events are not generated when a client disconnects. Unsubscribe events are still raised when a client explicitly unsubscribes from its subscriptions.
"on-with-format-v2" - Enable client level event message publishing with format v2.
"on-with-no-unsubscribe-events-on-disconnect-format-v2" - As "on-with-format-v2", but unsubscribe events are not generated when a client disconnects. Unsubscribe events are still raised when a client explicitly unsubscribes from its subscriptions.

Enumeration Members

OFF: "off"
ON_WITH_FORMAT_V1: "on-with-format-v1"
ON_WITH_FORMAT_V2: "on-with-format-v2"
ON_WITH_NO_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_ON_DISCONNECT_FORMAT_V1: "on-with-no-unsubscribe-events-on-disconnect-format-v1"
ON_WITH_NO_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_ON_DISCONNECT_FORMAT_V2: "on-with-no-unsubscribe-events-on-disconnect-format-v2"