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Debugging issues in Solace Agent Mesh starts with identifying the problem. You can monitor your system to better debug your system. For more information, see Observability. The following sections provide common debugging approaches to help you to diagnose and resolve issues.

Isolate Components

Running only the necessary components in isolation can help pinpoint issues. The run Solace Agent Mesh (SAM) CLI command allows you to specify which files to run.

For example:

sam run -e build/configs/agent_my_tool_1.yaml build/configs/agent_my_tool_2.yaml

This command runs only the agents defined in agent_my_tool_1.yaml and agent_my_tool_2.yaml, reducing noise from unrelated components.

Examine STIM Files

STIM files provide detailed traces of stimulus life cycles. If you have access to the storage location where the File Service stores these files, you can inspect them to analyze message flows.


If you don’t have direct access to the File service storage, you can use the File service’s download method to retrieve STIM files:

from solace_agent_mesh.common.constants import SOLACE_AGENT_MESH_SYSTEM_SESSION_ID

Use SOLACE_AGENT_MESH_SYSTEM_SESSION_ID as the session ID to download relevant STIM files.

Each .stim file contains all broker events related to a single stimulus, from the initial request to the final response.

Monitor Broker Activity

For insights into message flows and event interactions, see Broker Observability.

Debug Mode

Since Solace Agent Mesh is a Python-based program and framework, you can run it in debug mode using an IDE with breakpoints.

Debugging in VSCode

If you're using VSCode, configure debugging in .vscode/launch.json:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "sam-debug",
"type": "debugpy",
"request": "launch",
"module": "solace_agent_mesh.cli.main",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env",
"args": [
// Add any other components you want to run here
"justMyCode": false

To start debugging:

  1. Open the RUN AND DEBUG panel on the left sidebar.
  2. Select sam-debug from the dropdown.
  3. Click the Play to start in debug mode.

Set breakpoints in your code to pause execution and inspect variable states.

Invoke the Agent Directly

For debugging and testing, you can send direct messages to an agent using the PubSub+ event broker. This requires specifying the appropriate topic, user properties, and payload.

Tools for Sending Messages

Message Format



User Properties:

session_id: test-0000
stimulus_uuid: 0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


"agent_name": "<agent_name>",
"action_name": "<action_name>",
"action_params": {
"key": "action parameter"
"action_idx": 0,
"action_list_id": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Response Topic:


By sending a request and observing the response, you can verify an agent's behavior in isolation, making it easier to identify issues.

System Logs

System logs provide additional insights into the system's behavior. These logs are written to a log file at the root of the project directory.


The log level can be adjusted in the solace-agent-mesh.yaml configuration file. For more information, see Configuration.

All input/output messages, warnings, and errors are logged to help your understanding of the the system's state and identify potential issues.