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Solace Agent Mesh Module comes with two components:

  1. Solace Agent Mesh (SAM) CLI: To create, build, run, and extend Solace Agent Mesh.
  2. Solace Agent Mesh framework: To extend the capabilities of Solace Agent Mesh using Python code. We've provided a framework that you build upon to extend and customize the capabilities of Solace Agent Mesh.

Installing the PyPi package will install both the SAM CLI and the framework that uses the Python SDK.


We recommend that you install the package in a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other Python packages.

Creating a Virtual Environment
  1. Create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv .venv
  1. Activate the environment.

    To activate on Linux or Unix platforms:

    source .venv/bin/activate

    To activate on Windows:


Install Solace Agent Mesh

  1. The following command installs the Solace Agent Mesh (SAM) CLI in your environment:
pip install solace-agent-mesh
Windows-Specific Setup

PlantUML Support

The functionality from PlantUML is not available on Windows. To use PlantUML on Windows, we recommend you install it on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

Plotly Support

Windows Users: To enable Plotly visualization capabilities, you must install a specific version of the Kaleido package before launching the application:

pip install --upgrade "kaleido==0.1.*"

This step is required only for Windows environments.

  1. Run the following SAM CLI command (solace-agent-mesh) to verify your installation:
solace-agent-mesh --version

For easier access to the SAM CLI, it also comes with the sam alias.

sam --version

To get the list of available commands, run:

solace-agent-mesh --help