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Solace Agent Mesh uses a YAML-based configuration system. The main configuration file is solace-agent-mesh.yaml in your project root.


Removing any configuration will use the default values for that configuration.

Core Configuration

Built-in Components

You can configure the built-in agents using a YAML file. For more information, see Agents.

- name: web_request
enabled: true # Enable/disable web request capabilities
- name: global
enabled: true # Enable/disable global agent
- name: image_processing
enabled: true # Enable/disable image processing
- name: slack
enabled: false # Enable/disable Slack Report integration

Directory Configuration

You can specify the locations for where the system looks for varies components:

config_directory: tmp/configs
modules_directory: tmp/modules
overwrite_directory: tmp/overwrite
env_file: .env
  • config_directory: The source component YAML config files. more 🔗.
  • modules_directory: The Python module files. more 🔗.
  • overwrite_directory: The custom configuration overwrites. more 🔗.
  • env_file: The environment variables file. This file is automatically created if build.extract_env_vars is set to true.

Build Settings

You can configure the build process:

build_directory: build # Output directory for generated files
extract_env_vars: false # Extract environment variables from configs
log_level_override: INFO # Override default logging level
orchestrator_instance_count: 5 # Number of orchestrator instances
  • build_directory: The output directory for generated files.
  • extract_env_vars: Extract the required environment variables from the configurations and write them to an .env file.
  • log_level_override: Override the default logging-level for all components.
  • orchestrator_instance_count: The number of instances of the orchestrator component to run in parallel.

Runtime Configuration

Runtime configurations are settings that are loaded when you start the application. Those configurations are copied to the build_directory.


You can include the configuration for the services used by the system.

File Service

You can configure how the File service handles temporary file storage. For more information, see File Service.

type: volume
max_time_to_live: 86400 # 1 day
expiration_check_interval: 600 # 10 minutes
config: {}
  • type: The File service type, For example, volume, bucket, memory, or your-custom-service.
  • max_time_to_live: The file retention period, in seconds.
  • expiration_check_interval: The clean-up check interval, in seconds.
  • config: The service-specific configurations. The config key must match the service type.

File service types:

  1. Volume Storage

    directory: /tmp/solace-agent-mesh
    • directory: Directory path for file storage.
  2. S3 Bucket Storage

    bucket_name: your-bucket
    endpoint_url: optional-endpoint
    region_name: aws-region
    aws_access_key_id: your-key
    aws_secret_access_key: your-secret
    • bucket_name: The S3 bucket name.
    • endpoint_url: (Optional) The S3 endpoint URL. The default is AWS S3.
    • boto3_config: The AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) configuration for the S3 client. The default uses the local AWS configuration.

    You can use this option with AWS S3-compatible services, such as localstack.

  3. Custom Storage

    module_path: path/to/module
    custom_key: value
    • module_path: The path to the custom python module file.
    • custom_key: The key/value pair for the custom configuration.


You can configure the plugins list and load multiple configurations using plugins. For more information, see Plugins.

- name: plugin_name
load_unspecified_files: false
includes_gateway_interface: false
agents: []
gateways: []
overwrites: []