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Slack Integration

In this tutorial, you will integrate a Slack interface into Solace Agent Mesh, enabling interaction with the system directly from your Slack workspace and channels.

Learn about agents

We recommend you read about Gateways before you start this tutorial.

Setting Up the Environment

First, you need to install Solace Agent Mesh and Solace Mesh Agent (SAM) CLI, and then you'll want to create a new Solace Agent Mesh project or create a new plugin.

Creating the Slack App

Next, create a Slack Application in your workspace.

  1. Go to the Slack Application website.
  2. Select Your Apps and click Create New App.
  3. Choose From a manifest and apply the following configuration.
    • You can customize the name and description, but keep the rest of the configuration and settings unchanged.
name: solace-agent-mesh-bot
description: An app to integrate with Solace Agent Mesh
home_tab_enabled: false
messages_tab_enabled: true
messages_tab_read_only_enabled: false
display_name: Solace Agent Mesh
always_online: false
- app_mentions:read
- bookmarks:read
- channels:history
- channels:join
- channels:manage
- channels:read
- chat:write
- chat:write.customize
- chat:write.public
- files:read
- files:write
- groups:history
- groups:read
- groups:write
- im:history
- im:read
- im:write
- links:read
- links:write
- mpim:history
- mpim:read
- mpim:write
- pins:read
- pins:write
- reactions:read
- reactions:write
- reminders:read
- reminders:write
- team:read
- usergroups:read
- usergroups:write
- users.profile:read
- users:read
- users:write
- conversations.connect:read
- conversations.connect:write
- incoming-webhook
- app_mention
- message.groups
is_enabled: true
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: true
token_rotation_enabled: false

Then select Create and your new App will be created.

App-Level Tokens

In your created App, select Basic Information under Settings. Scroll down to App-Level Tokens and click Generate Token and Scopes.

Provide your token a name, add all available scopes, and then click Generate.

Make note of the resulting application token (beginning with xapp-) - you will need it in a future step.

Installing the App in Your Slack Workspace

Next, select Install App under Settings and following the installation flow to install the App in your workspace.

After installation, the bot token (beginning with -xoxb) will be visible. Make note of this token.

Installing the Slack Interface and Gateway

After configuring your Slack App, the next step is to add the Slack interface and gateway to Solace Agent Mesh.

  1. Create the gateway and interface using the Solace Agent Mesh (SAM) CLI:

    sam add gateway slackbot --interface slack

    This command generates two configuration files:

    Created the following gateway template files:
    - ./configs/gateways/slackbot/gateway.yaml
    - ./configs/gateways/slackbot/slack.yaml
  2. Configure the required environment variables:

    The Slack interface requires two authentication tokens. Add these to your .env file in the project root directory using the tokens generated during Slack App setup:


    While you can customize the gateway and interface behavior by modifying gateway.yaml and slack.yaml, this is optional.

Running the Interface and Gateway

Launch the interface and gateway with:

sam run -be

For detailed information about available SAM CLI commands, see Solace Agent Mesh CLI.

Testing the Installation

To test your installation:

  1. Open your Slack workspace in the desktop app or browser.
  2. Find and click on the Solace Agent Mesh app under the Apps section.
  3. Send a test message by typing hello and click Enter.
  4. You should see:
    • A "Chatbot is thinking..." status message
    • A response from the chatbot within a few seconds