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Create Plugins

A plugin is a Python package that follows the expected structure and conventions for Solace Agent Mesh and allows for creating agents, gateways, and overwrites that can be added to a Solace Agent Mesh project.

Create a Plugin

To get started, install the SAM CLI and run the following command:

solace-agent-mesh plugin create

Follow the prompts to create a new plugin. The Solace Agent Mesh (SAM) CLI creates a directory with the provided name and the following structure:

├─ configs/
│ ├─ overwrite/
├─ src/
│ ├─
│ ├─ agents/
│ │ ├─
│ ├─ gateways/
│ │ ├─
├─ interfaces/
├─ solace-agent-mesh-plugin.yaml
├─ .gitignore
├─ pyproject.toml

The interfaces and configs directories come with an empty file to prevent Git from ignoring them. These placeholder files can be removed once Git-tracked content is added to the directories. These directories are required for successful build.

  • The src directory contains the python source code. more 🔗.
  • The configs directory contains the configuration files. more 🔗.
  • The interfaces directory contains the gateway interfaces. more 🔗.
  • The file solace-agent-mesh-plugin.yaml holds the configuration for the plugin. more 🔗.

Once the plugin is created, you can start adding your custom agents, gateways, or overwrites.


Adding a agent or gateway follows the same process as adding components to a project for Solace Agent Mesh.

Plugin Configurations

The solace-agent-mesh-plugin.yaml file holds the configuration for the plugin. Here is an example of a plugin configuration file:

name: my-demo-plugin
includes_gateway_interface: false
  • name: The name of the plugin.
  • includes_gateway_interface: Set to true if providing gateway interface under ./interfaces directory. Each interface must have an interface-flows.yaml and an interface-default-config.yaml file. more 🔗

Add Components to the Plugin

Add an Agent

To create a agent, run the following SAM CLI command:

solace-agent-mesh add agent <agent-name>

For more information about creating a custom agent, see Custom Agents.

Add a Gateway

To create a gateway, run the following SAM CLI command:

solace-agent-mesh add gateway <gateway-name> [--interface <interface-name>]

For more information about creating a custom gateway, see Custom Gateways.

Add a Gateway Interface

Instead of creating a gateway, you can create a gateway interface. A gateway interface would allow the plugin users to instantiate a gateway using the interface.

To create a gateway interface, run the following SAM CLI command:

solace-agent-mesh add <interface-name> --new-interface
  • --new-interface indicates to create an interface. This option can only be used inside a plugin.
  • The interface-name should be the name of the interface.
  • DO NOT include the gateway keyword in the interface name.
  • DO NOT include any --interface option in the command.

For more information about creating custom gateway interface, see Custom Gateway Interfaces.

Add an Overwrite

Overwrites are YAML configuration files that either:

  • Replace the default Solace Agent Mesh YAML configs, or
  • Provide standalone configurations for the solace-ai-connector that will be added to the project

To add a new overwrite, create a new file under the configs/overwrite directory.

For more information, see Overwrites.

Build the Plugin

Building the plugin creates a Python wheel package that can be installed using pip or other package managers.

To build the plugin, run the following SAM CLI command:

solace-agent-mesh plugin build

The plugin uses the standard pyproject.toml file to build the package.

Share the Plugin

To share the plugin, you can upload the wheel package to a package repository or share the wheel package directly, or any other valid way to share a pyproject project.

Alternatively, you can directly point to the GitHub repository of the plugin to perform the build and installation as one step:

pip install git+<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>

If the pyproject.toml of the plugin is not at the root of the repository, you can specify the subdirectory using the subdirectory parameter.

pip install git+<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>#subdirectory=<PLUGIN_NAME>

You can also using the SAM CLI:

solace-agent-mesh plugin add PLUGIN_NAME --pip -u [git+](git+<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>)