LLM Service
The LLM (Large Language Model) service is a global service that acts as an abstraction layer between the LLM configurations and models and the user.
The LLM service runs as an independent centralized service which provides LLM access to the orchestrator and agents in Solace Agent Mesh through the PubSub+ event broker.
The LLM service allows users to call the model based on category and not the model names.
For example, instead of a component calling a specific model like openai/gpt-4o
, they can choose from one of the following categories:
- planning
- reasoning-expensive
- reasoning-normal
- general-good
- general-fast
- writing
- coding
Each one of these values corresponds to a specific model and configuration.
To simplify the usage of the LLM service, by default configuration all categories are mapped to the same model. This can be changed in the configuration file. For more information, see Custom Configuration.
Usage in Agents
To use the LLM service in your agent, update your configuration file to use the appropriate category topic in component_config.llm_service_topic
For example:
- component_name: action_request_processor
component_module: solace_agent_mesh.agents.global.global_agent_component
llm_service_topic: ${SOLACE_AGENT_MESH_NAMESPACE}solace-agent-mesh/v1/llm-service/request/general-good/
You can then use do_llm_service_request
method provided by the BaseAgentComponent
class to send a request to the LLM service.
If sending a request from within an action, you'd first need to get the agent using get_agent
method and then call the do_llm_service_request
For example:
agent = self.get_agent()
message = [
"role": "system",
"content": "You're a helpful assistant.",
"role": "user",
"content": "What is the capital of Canada?",
response = agent.do_llm_service_request(message)
content = response.get("content")
Usage in Other S-A-C Components
LLM service can be accessed from any Solace AI Event Connector components.
To get access to the LLM service, simply change the extending parent class from ComponentBase
to LLMServiceComponentBase
For example:
from solace_agent_mesh.services.llm_service.components.llm_service_component_base import LLMServiceComponentBase
Then, you can use the do_llm_service_request
method provided by the LLMServiceComponentBase
class to send a request to the LLM service.
Custom Configuration
The LLM service configuration file can be found in your build directory under configs/service_llm.yaml
To use multiple models or different configurations, duplicate the flow, and apply changes as needed.
You can overwrite the LLM service. For more information, see Overwrites.
Sample LLM flow - duplicate the flow as many times as needed:
- name: custom-llm-service # Must be unique
- component_name: broker_input
component_module: broker_input
<<: *broker_connection
broker_queue_name: ${SOLACE_AGENT_MESH_NAMESPACE}solace-agent-mesh/v1/llm-service/custom # Must be unique
- topic: ${SOLACE_AGENT_MESH_NAMESPACE}solace-agent-mesh/v1/llm-service/request/custom/> # Add your category here instead of 'custom'
qos: 1
- component_name: file_resolver # Optional if text only - this component resolve file urls to text
component_base_path: .
component_module: solace_agent_mesh.tools.components.file_resolver_component
force_resolve: true
source_expression: input.payload
- component_name: llm_service_planning # This component is all the LLM model configurations
num_instances: 1
component_module: litellm_chat_model
<<: *llm_config
<<: *llm_auth
temperature: 0.02
<<: *llm_input_transforms_and_select
- component_name: broker_output # This component sends the response back to the PubSub+ event broker - Do not change
component_module: broker_output
<<: *broker_connection
copy_user_properties: true
- type: copy
source_expression: previous
dest_expression: user_data.output:payload
- type: copy
source_expression: input.user_properties:__solace_ai_connector_broker_request_response_topic__
dest_expression: user_data.output:topic
source_expression: user_data.output
For more information about the available configuration options, see LiteLLMChatModel in the Solace AI Event Connector documentation.